City of Huntington Park ATP Cycle IV Project No. ATPL-5150(014)
Huntington Park, California
Southstar | DCCM provided construction management and inspection services for this project that installed new bicycle striping (sharrows, bike boxes), installed new or replaced existing wayfinding signage, constructed new concrete curb extensions (bulbouts), replaced existing traffic striping (lanes, crosswalks, parking stalls, words, etc), replaced portions of curb, gutter, and asphalt, installed new shade trees, constructed new bus shelters and trash receptacles, and all other incidental work required to complete the improvements shown in the Plans and described in the Specifications. This project created a system of complete streets boulevards on east/west connector streets, along with one north/south boulevard. The complete streets boulevards will include Class III bicycle routes, sharrows, signage, bike boxes, and curb bulbouts. These were complemented with pedestrian safety and mobility enhancements, including pedestrian ramp improvements, wayfinding signs, and continental crosswalks. The boulevards are located along the length of Gage Avenue, Saturn Avenue, Florence Avenue and Miles Avenue. The pedestrian focus area is on Pacific Boulevard, Santa Fe Avenue and Florence Avenue. The project required heavy traffic control and coordination with business owners, schools and residents. Work also included photo documentation, measuring, calculating, and recording all construction quantities for estimates.